Conversational Spanish Adventures™

The best time to learn a foreign language is during the early years when a young mind is open to language acquisition. Speakers of two or more languages have better communication skills, read more books and have an easier time learning additional languages. Learning a foreign language at a young age supports development in other areas.

Our Conversational Spanish Adventures™ sessions offer children ages four and older the opportunity to build Spanish vocabulary and expressive abilities.

Removing Barriers of Communication

The Journey

Your child will enjoy many fun and challenging activities, including:

  • Learning Spanish words for colors, numbers, greetings, family members, anatomy, pets, clothes and farm animals
  • Hearing Spanish spoken fluently
  • Practicing Spanish by speaking with other children and the teacher
  • Learning through music, rhythm and movement, games, puzzles and picture cards
  • Discovering Spanish-speaking cultures through stories and books

With the Conversational Spanish Adventures program, you'll marvel at your child's new skills and abilities!

Lessons Learned

Your child will receive a take-home Conversational Spanish Adventures kit that includes an activity book, word cards, crayons and more. These resources help your child practice his or her language skills at home. The age-appropriate instruction of each session will build your child's curiosity in enhancing his or her Spanish skills—a strength that can be applied to all future learning.

After each class, the teacher provides a family note regarding your child's learning adventure.

  • Schedule a tour.
  • Inquire about tuition and openings.