Articles and Advice

Be Prepared for Winter Weather!

Winter weather has arrived! Cold temperatures are spreading across the nation. Even in warmer climates, cooler temperatures are putting a chill on outdoor activities. Winter weather requires that care is taken to keep children safe and warm when outdoors.


Be sure to monitor outdoor temperatures including wind chill and dress your children accordingly. The wind chill is a good reflection of how cold it feels when outside and should not be overlooked. Our centers will shorten outdoor play times as temperatures drop, but we won't eliminate outdoor play unless absolutely necessary. At home, when your children go outside on days when temperatures are below freezing, watch carefully for signs that they are becoming too cold or getting frostbitten. Signs include the skin color changing (it may pale, then turn red, and finally white-purple if allowed to freeze) or complaints of the skin burning or tingling. Frostbite can affect any part of the body, but the tip of the nose, ears, fingertips, and toes are the most likely areas. Sometimes active children may think they are warm, but their exposed skin is still affected by cold and wind.

Dress for the weather

So that they can have some outdoor playtime each day, your children will need adequate clothing to protect them against the weather. There is valuable learning in both the outdoor play and the preparation!


Winter also brings shorter daylight hours. Adjust outdoor play times to ensure that your children are not out during dusk or dark. Not only is it colder when the sun is not out, it becomes difficult to see children. Be sure their outdoor gear helps make it easy to see them-glow tape is a good option. This means that it is especially important for the center to try to have some outdoor play while children are in our care. This may be especially important for school-age children who have very little outdoor play during the school day.

Ice and Snow

Ice and snow present some of winter's most interesting play opportunities. Children enjoy sliding on ice and piling up snow to build snowmen and snow structures. But ice and snow can also be hazardous. Watch your children closely to prevent dangerous slips and falls. Also, check for ice and snow build up around doors and regularly salt or sand walking paths to prevent falls. We'll be doing the same at the centers.

Have a fun and safe winter!

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